Member Application Thank you for your interest in membership. We are excited to learn more about your business and grow with you! Sign up now or call 970-858-3894 to learn more. Business Information Company Name: * Leave Blank: Phone: * Website: Email: * Business Description (200 char max): * Directory Category: * --- Select Primary Category --- Accounting Acupuncture Advertising Agriculture Airports Alarm Systems Alternative Therapies Alzheimer's Care - Assisted Living Alzheimer's Care - Extended Care Antiques & Collectibles Art Gallery Arts & Crafts Assisted Living Assisted Living - Secured Attorneys Attractions Auto Insurance Auto Parts Auto Repair Auto Sales Banks & Credit Unions Bar Barber Beauty Beauty Supply Bed & Breakfast Bicycles Bookkeeping Bookstore Brewery Building Supplies Business Assistance Business Consultants Business Development Business Insurance Business Networking Business Telephone & Data Communications Camping Candy Store Car Wash Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Carriage Service Catering Cell Phone Repair Chamber of Commerce Child Care Chiropractic Churches Cleaning Clothing & Accessories Coaching-Life & Business Consultant Coffee Houses Communication Community & Civic Organizations Community Resources Computer Consulting Computers Concrete Construction Construction Construction-Energy Related Convenience Stores Copier Sales & Service Copy Center Cosmetics Credit & Debit Card Processing Credit Unions Crematory Crime Scene Clean-up/Medical Waste Disposal Day Spa Dementia & Alzheimers Care Dental Dental Insurance Driver's Education Dry Cleaners Education Electrical Contractor Electronic Monitoring Employment Services for Youth Energy Engineering and Consulting Engineering and Environmental Consulting Entertainment Environmental Reclamation Equine Training & Lessons Equipment Sales & Rental Event Planning Excavation Contractors Eye Care Family Dance & Yoga Family Medicine Clinic Farming Fashion Apparel & Jewelry Finance Financial Planning Financing/Commercial Real Estate Fire and Water Damage Firearms First Aid & Safety Products Fitness Classes Flooring Floral Fuel - Gasoline/Diesel Fuel - Retail Fundraising Funeral Homes Furniture Gallery - Artist Garden Products General Contractors Generators Gift Shops Gifts & Accessories Glass Repair and Replacement Golf Course Golf Instruction Golf Retail Government Graphic Design Guide Services Gutters Hair Salons Handyman Service Hardware Stores Health & Beauty Health & Wellness Health Care Health Insurance Hearing Aids Heating & Air Conditioning Home Accessibility & Remodel Home Health Care Home Improvement Homeowner's Insurance Homeowners Association Services Homes & Lands Horse Boarding Horses Hospice & Palliative Care Hospitals Hotels Human Resources Human Services Ice Ice Cream Shop Identity Theft Income Tax Services Independent Living Individual Industrial Janitorial Supply Ink Jet Cartridge and Toner Refill Inspections -- Residential & Commercial Insurance Interior Design Internet Investigations Janitorial Services Jewelry Kitchen Accessories & Storage Land Development Land Planning Land Rental/Land Leasing Landscaping Landscaping Material Laundry Lawn Maintenance Library Limousine Service Liquor Stores Livestock Livestock Auction Locksmith Lodging - Short Term Rentals Magazine Manufacturing Maps & Resource Information Marketing Masonry & Landscape Supply Massage Therapy -- Therapeutic Medical Equipment & Sales Medical Lab Meeting Facility Metal Art/Artist Mortgage Mortgages Mortuary Motels Motorcycle/ATV Parts & Accessories Mountain Bike Instruction/Tours Moving and Storage Musical Instruments & Equipment Newspapers & Publications Nonprofit Nurse Practitoner Nursing Homes Occupational Therapy Office Furniture Office Supplies Oil & Gas Service Optical Organization Organizing Services Orthodontist Orthopaedic Surgery Packaging Supplies Pain Management Painting Party Rentals Party Supplies Payroll & Benefits Management Personal Homemaking Services Personalized Printing Pest Control Pet Boarding Pet Grooming Pet Sitting Services Pet Store Photography Physical Therapy Physicians Pipe & Supply Plumbing Political Party Pools & Spas Preschool Printers Product Photography Promotional Products Propane Property Management Public Education Public Relations Public Utilities & Environment Radio Stations Radiology Ready-Mixed Concrete Real Estate Recreation Recreational Rentals Recycling Rental Cars Residential & Commercial Lending Residential Golf Course Community Resort Restaurants Restaurants- Food Trucks Retail Retail Meat Shop Rodeo Roofing Roofing Safety Satellite Television Screenprinting & Embroidery Security & Security Guards Security Cameras Service Organization Shipping Signs Ski Resort Skin Care Small Engine Repair Snow removal Social Media Optimization Solar Energy Special Events Speech Therapy & Language Pathology Sporting Goods Sports Medicine Staffing Services Storage Supermarkets Tanning Tattoo Tax Preparation Taxi Telecommunication Telephone Directory Publishers Telephone Service Television Therapy Physical Orthopedic Speech Therapy Services Title Insurance Tourism Transportation Safety Trash Removal - Residental & Commercial Travel Agency Tree Services Trophies & Awards Truck Dealership University Urgent Care/Physicians After Hours Care Utilities Vehicle Sales Veterinary Video Production Water & Fire Restoration Water Supplier Web site design Weed Management Welcome Center Welding Wholesale Distribution Winery & Event Center Writing & Copy Editing Yoga Employees: Full-time Part-time Business Keywords (enter a space between words): Comments / Questions: Is your business Women owned?: * Is your business Veteran owned?: * Is your business Minority owned?: * Other - Please indicate: I am interested in participating in: Women in Business Group: * I am interested in participating in: Veterans in Business Group: * I am interested in participating in: Youth Employment Opportunities: * I am interested in participating in: Volunteering: * I am interested in participating in: Advertising: * I am interested in participating in: Sponsorships with advertising: * Physical Address Line 1: * Line 2: City: * State: * Postal Code: * Country: * --- Select Country --- Afghanistan Albania Algeria Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Belgium Belize Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Cambodia Cameroon Canada Caribbean Chile China Colombia Congo (DRC) Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire Croatia Cuba Czechia Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faroe Islands Finland France Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Greenland Guatemala Haiti Honduras Hong Kong SAR Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Korea Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latin America Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao SAR Macedonia, FYRO Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mexico Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Myanmar Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Réunion Romania Russia Rwanda Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Türkiye Turkmenistan Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam World Yemen Mailing Address Same as physical address Line 1: * Line 2: City: * State: * Postal Code: * Country: * --- Select Country --- Afghanistan Albania Algeria Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Belgium Belize Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Cambodia Cameroon Canada Caribbean Chile China Colombia Congo (DRC) Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire Croatia Cuba Czechia Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faroe Islands Finland France Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Greenland Guatemala Haiti Honduras Hong Kong SAR Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Korea Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latin America Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao SAR Macedonia, FYRO Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mexico Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Myanmar Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Réunion Romania Russia Rwanda Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Türkiye Turkmenistan Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam World Yemen Social Networking: LinkedIn Facebook Instagram Twitter Alignable YouTube Primary Contact Information First Name: * Last Name: * Title: Phone: * Cell Phone: Fax: Email: * Contact Preference: Email Phone Login: * Password: * Address Same as Member Address Line 1: * Line 2 City: * State: * Postal Code: * Country: * --- Select Country --- Afghanistan Albania Algeria Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Belgium Belize Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Cambodia Cameroon Canada Caribbean Chile China Colombia Congo (DRC) Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire Croatia Cuba Czechia Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faroe Islands Finland France Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Greenland Guatemala Haiti Honduras Hong Kong SAR Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Korea Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latin America Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao SAR Macedonia, FYRO Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mexico Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Myanmar Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Réunion Romania Russia Rwanda Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Türkiye Turkmenistan Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam World Yemen Billing Contact Information Same as Primary Contact First Name: * Last Name: * Title: Phone: * Cell Phone: Fax: Email: * Contact Preference: Email Phone Login: * Password: * Address Same as Member Address Line 1: * Line 2 City: * State: * Postal Code: * Country: * --- Select Country --- Canada United States Membership Options Membership Package: * Non-Profit: $140.00 Reserved for volunteer-only organizations (nonprofits that do not have paid staff) - Directory listing on Chamber website. - No-cost event postings on Chamber online calendar. - No-cost job postings to Chamber online job board. - Invites and special discounts to Chamber-hosted events. (Chamber members receive 20% off booth fees for Fall Fest & Farmers Market) - Ribbon cutting ceremonies for new business, expansions, and anniversary celebrations. Connector: $250.00 Small business “starter” package for Chamber members - Directory listing on Chamber website. - No-cost event postings on Chamber online calendar. - No-cost job postings to Chamber online job board. - Invites and special discounts to Chamber-hosted events. (Chamber members receive 20% off booth fees for Fall Fest & Farmers Market) - Ribbon cutting ceremonies for new business, expansions, and anniversary celebrations. Agriculture Membership: $175.00 Exclusive to Farmers, Ranchers, and Producers that grow local produce and/or raise livestock. Leader: $575.00 Established businesses interested in engaging in opportunities to enhance our local economy. - Includes Connector level benefits PLUS - Up to 2 total category listings in business directory. - Two (2) complimentary e-newsletter inserts. - Enhanced directory listing package. (1400 additional description characters, photo gallery, bulleted descriptions and URL links, etc.) - One (1) annual punch passes to Business After Hours. Fruita & Palisade Joint Membership - Connector Package: $450.00 Join BOTH the Fruita Area Chamber of Commerce and the Palisade Chamber of Commerce at the same time to receive a discount (save $50) on your first year of membership dues! Fill out the online application once and we'll notify our partners in Palisade! - Receives same benefits as Connector. Fruita & Palisade Joint Membership - Leader Package : $1,050.00 Join BOTH Fruita Area Chamber of Commerce and Palisade Chamber of Commerce at the same time to receive a discount (save $85) on your first year of membership dues! Fill out the application once and we'll notify our partners in Palisade. - Receives the same benefits as Leader. Champion: $750.00 Includes Connector level benefits PLUS - Up to 4 directory or category listings on Chamber directory. - Four (4) complimentary e-newsletter inserts. - Enhanced directory listing package. (1400 additional description characters, photo gallery, bulleted descriptions, and URL links, etc.) - Two (2) annual passes to Business After Hours. Advocate: $1,600.00 Includes Connector level benefits PLUS - Enhanced directory listing package - Up to 6 directory or category listings on Chamber directory. - 60 consecutive days website banner advertisement on Chamber directory or events page. - One (1) Business Feature post on Chamber social pages. - Four (4) annual passes to Business After Hours. - Six (6) complimentary e-newsletter inserts. Investor: $2,600.00 Includes Connector level benefits PLUS - Enhanced directory listing package. - Up to 8 directory or category listings on Chamber directory. - 120 consecutive days website banner advertisement on Chamber directory or events page. - Two (2) Business Feature posts on Chamber social pages. - Six (6) annual passes to Business After Hours. - Eight (8) complimentary e-newsletter inserts. Additional Opportunities: We will contact you with additional information. Business After Hours Annual Punch Pass (12 - month pass) : $50.00 An annual pass to Business After Hours networking. Payment Option: Bill me Charge my credit or debit card Please scroll down to view the entire policy and then click Accept. Decline I have read and accept the privacy policy of Fruita Area Chamber of Commerce. I grant Fruita Area Chamber of Commerce permission to contact me regarding my account, news, updates, and offers. Please read and accept the privacy policy before continuing. Print Application Diamond Members New Members Upcoming Events