Family Health West
- Hospitals
- Alzheimer's Care - Assisted Living
- Alzheimer's Care - Extended Care
- Assisted Living
- Assisted Living - Secured
- Dementia & Alzheimers Care
- Health Care
- Medical Lab
- Nursing Homes
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Radiology
- Speech Therapy & Language Pathology
- Therapy Services

Family Health West Hospital is a full-service Critical Access Hospital designed to meet the growing healthcare needs of our community. The non-profit hospital is the only Medicare swing-bed facility i
- 300 W Ottley - Hospital, Emergency, Surgery, Lab & Radiology
- 551 Kokopelli Blvd - Pediatric Rehabilitation
- 243 N Cherry - Memory Care
- 228 N Cherry - Administrative Offices
West of Grand Junction, take Exit 19 off I-70, approach Hwy 340 intersection. FHW to right on Hwy 340 (approx. 1/2 mile), Kokopelli Boulevard Centers to left on Hwy 340 (approx. 1 mile)